Tom Jackson, is the series editor of the Lean Tools for Healthcare Series from CRC Press (a subsidiary of Taylor and Francis). The series comprises six titles:

The series is based on the Shingo Prize-winning Shopfloor Series from Productivity Press. The original series was based on Japanese source materials written by the creators of the lean methods the books describe.

Each of the user-friendly books in the Lean Tools series will help you understand how to apply the classic tools of lean production to provide quality, patient-centered care at a cost that your patients can afford. Presented in a highly organized and easy-to-assimilate format, the books include examples from actual healthcare processes, plus numerous illustrations and margin assists that call your attention to key points. Each chapter also includes a summary for quick review. Throughout each book, you will be asked to reflect on questions that will help you apply these concepts and techniques to your own workplace.

The series is complemented by The Lean Healthcare Dictionary, which is based upon Leanspeak, by Mary A. Junewick, the first lean dictionary, conceived by Tom Jackson while he was CEO and President of Productivity Press.

In bringing the Lean Tools Series to market, Tom has been assisted by Maura May, former editor in chief of Productivity Press, now a Director of the Lean Health Care Practice of Moss Adams LLP in Seattle, Washington.